Master Data Services

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SourcePRO offers a wide variety of services to support your company’s operations, from New Model Launch to Supply Chain Support and Production.

An industrial materials management process ensuring data integrity and accuracy and their impact on manufacturing.  The process validates raw customer data, standardizing, enhancing and cleansing with the goal of improving procurement performance. This is achieved through a combination of proprietary software, professional expertise and a standardized method, which results in consistent product categories, containing accurate and multi-attribute descriptions.   Our team can utilize any system extracts to begin data analysis.

The data analysis can include inventory usage, right-sizing of inventory, visibility across enterprise level/corporate item catalog, planning and preventative maintenance inventory, order management and order follow-up, obsolescence resolution.


Inventory Blitz – Multiple resources report on-site to identify key inventory components, such as manufacturer number, manufacturer name and description. The resources will complete a full item evaluation of the site.

Data Visualization – The exploration of data to create metrics and data mining to help evaluate and elevate data driven processes.

Spare Parts Coordinator – Organization of bills of material for new and/or existing assets. The data will be consolidated to identify duplicated items among assets. This information is presented to the customer during meetings facilitated by the spare parts coordinator. The customer then determines plant and enterprise level standards for inventory management. Available as on-site or remote support.

Catalog Gatekeeping – Standardization and control regarding the entry of new part specifications into the customer catalog for inventory. Available as on-site or remote support.

Preventative Maintenance/Visual Job Plan Creation – On-site or remote support will extract preventative maintenance tasks and information from machine/system manuals and organize the data into a standard template for review by the customer. Visual Job plans for identified tasks to be created at the direction of the customer.

Inventory Supervisor – An on-site supervisor who can manage store employees as well as the inventory through data driven metrics and store processes that are proven among multiple industries.

Inventory Analyst – On-site or remote support that manages procurement and inventory levels based on historic and analytical data regarding single or multiple sites.

SourcePRO is experienced with multiple procurement systems, allowing us to work inside of your Procurement and Inventory Management software or we can supply our own. All of our programs offer customized analytics to drive improved inventory performance in your operations. We can consolidate data from multiple sources within your IT environment or work with our own data to build the reporting you require. All of our inventory analyses are available in multiple usable formats